
I've come up with one idea , care utk mlihat bintang teehee ,
Jiran jiran , lao nmpk ade pompuan ats bumbung dlm pkol 2 3 pagi gtuh jgn call polis tauu , org tuh masih waras . *tp bile sbnrnye aku nk buat neh ?!

Esok dh mule skolahh , and still byk gila hw kne buat esp akaun tuh , naik gile sehh . Aku sbnrnye tk fhm pon ustzh terangkan . Sebab tu la tak buat ape ape but 30 Septt ?! woaa , gile dekat wehh . Mesti pulunn mggu depan la seh , tp tkpe ramai je blomm startt haha .

Tadi i went throughh all my note books when i was in LOWER secondaryy , cehh mcm tue sgt en . Pastu jumpe lyric i'm yours , Huaa lagu ni best haha lagu lamee biaselaa .

One day , aku nk blaja guitarr and this is the scond song aku nk blajaa . Aduii byk betul cite cite aku ; motor ? bintang ? dslr ? guitar ? haha

Then then , adelaa sorg tuh kn . Die tuu skrg da byk berubahh , smpaikn smlm die sound aku sbb mncarutt , biasela nk lepaskn geram but yeahh he's right ! tp die pon buat DULU haha . But still i hate his changes . Aku rindu die yg duluu sbb skrg die byk nk saketkn hat org jee huu ,

p/s : I've got tons of dreams to chasee !

nikmatilah hidup bujang korgg
bcz you are only young once
haha , aku jeless*

ckp tnk pressure , tp mrajuk sgale--'
Sry crik psl .


Anonymous said…
this is my point of view..
1.jgn lihat pd ape y org pnah buat,sbb tu history.
i think,sume org pon xsuke kalo ungkit kisah silam..
HanaSyafiqah (: said…
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Asma' Nadzirah. said…
ohh memangg , but u dont understand situation sbnr , thanks anyway .
Nuha Aliah said…
aku dah tau main ! HAHA
Asma' Nadzirah. said…
haha bru due chorddd ! peghasaaaan ~

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