Kawan :)

Teehee , my friends are sooo the best lahh ! Nuhaa , kalau kau bgtau ktrg awl awl kn lagi comel mcm tuhh . Tkdelah kau TEMPUHI srg srg . Kan lagggi manis kalau kte same same benci die time tu jugak HAHA . Kau sgt tabah meneroka saat saat tuh srg srg . Aku tak mungkin mampu buat mcm tuh . Susaahhh wehh , I need you guys to feel my burdens too HEEE !

Lepas ni jangan buat camtu lagi . Kte kan sharing caring , we'll share everything together even teardrops , okay ? Hee , asl touchy sgt neh bhaha Hmm be happy tau . Life in form 4 is nearly over so kte manfaatkn mase disini taw and enjoy our time together ! cewaaaah :D In a nutshell ,



Nuha Aliah said…
haa ye ye. nanti setiap bende yang aku buat aku bagitau. haha. ngomeiii ~

Asma' Nadzirah. said…
teeehee , setiap ke ? HAHA . okay okay . ngomeii jgak ~

ihikihik :)
Anonymous said…
ap love love nehh ?lesbo heh ?!hahahaha xD
Asma' Nadzirah. said…
sape kate aku love kau . hahaha .
Asma' Nadzirah. said…
sape kate aku love kau . hahaha .
Anonymous said…
sape kate aku kate kau love aku xD

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