mudhak mudhak ,

To ALL PMR-ers ,
Good luck utkk esokkkk ! tayahh buat betul betul pon tape , bukannye boleh bwk mati pon HAHA bengonggg , All the besttt tauu . Egt Allah , egt BUKU , egt KITE mesti score punye lahhh :) Jgn risau sume salah korg kite dah maaf kan . yjek ? hahaha ecxept for some peeps lahh --'

Heyy heyy juniorss , esp Fd , Nina , Balqis , Ainaa , Aliff , Dek naa , Lala and other CANDIDATESSS do your bestt tauu then Allah will do the rest :D pas PMR tkleh enjoy tauu , korg kne bace tuk form 4 lakk HAHA jeless nehh .


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