I've been thinking lately abt that night , The night when i cried all alone at the dataran sekolah . Oh yea , that time i stayed at hostel and some kind of error came into me . A stupid error . But thats not the thing i wanted to tell you , The things is why did i cried like that ? what was the thing that made me do that ? All alone in dataran sekolah at night ?

WOAHHH bile fikir balik mmg bod** , tp buat ape nk ckp bod** skrg , takde gunenye kann ?

Tapi kan , aku sendiri dah lupe ape sbb aku buat gtuh , aku ingat situasi tuh tapi lupe ape sbb aku buat gtuh . Hmm , satu hari aku puas perah cell cell ingatan aku , still cant detect .

Well , the things aku look up to bile nk masuk asrama ialah bnde bnde alah mcm ni , *aku tau some of you might tak faham tp bia je la aku meraban sorang sorang aslkn aku puas kn . Aku tanak pisang berbuah dua kali , and aku tanak bile nasi dah jadi bubur baru aku regret like theres no point so aku nk pike bnde neh awal awal bio later on tayah pike dahh ==

Aku bab bab buat desicion neh susah sket , mmg agak lampi dan takes time utk buat desicion tak kire besa mane . Esp bab nk msuk asrama nehh , byk bnde kene pike nak nak lagi aku dah terbiase dduk rumah . Duhh konklusi jgn suruh aku buat desicion , nnt kau menyesal HAHA

So in these few month aku try la decide nk dduk asrama ke tak HAHA , mmg susah gila nk decide Erghh , *tregt waktu aku nk msuk asrma time form3 , tu pon susah gak . tp ade satu alasan je yg buat aku tros nk msok asrma time tuh ^^ AND HONESTLY , I REGRET :(

AND NOW AKU BINGUNG == *tp hati lg kuat di rumah lerr haha


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