i know i aint good , i know i aint perfect but i do have a heart and i do know manners infront of my opposites. Aku sendiri malu bila kau buat macam tu . Aku sebagai perempuan rasa malu on behalf of you . i know i'm nowhere near to good solehah or wtv , aku sedar tu but seriously cut it out sebab aku sendiri benci tengok kalau aku ada kat tempat my opposites tu .

If you think and feel that you are know best abt how-to-be-a-muslimah , well i think you wouldn't have to read these things . You suppose to know better , tak tau la kalau you tak tahu or buat buat tak tahu . Because it looks as if you do know these things and everyone expect that you know so it would be ashame if it was because of you that the opposites hates woman and meluat tengok perempuan lain yang tak bersalah .

* I know i bebel but seriously , aku malu sebagai seorang perempuan

and for those who thinks that i should 'tengok cermin sblum bebel kat org lain' , thank you sbb igtkan aku sbb to type these things needs more than a whole day to look at the mirror and remind myself abt this thingi . I appreciate your kindness :)


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