heee :)

heee da nmpk da symptom symptom malas meng- updet. hee

its been a tough week for us huu mcm mcm adee rase nk tidooo je spnjg mggu and hoping probs will go awayy and never come back. but its impossible. hmm nway, whts important is PROTECTING the RIGHTS. ape ape jd pon KEBENARAN ttp menang . justt waitt !

i so hate this kind of week , where unexpected thing happenss.

**the volcano has errupted, the lava is spreading into the village. abes la hanguss kauuuu ! grr,


adek ak ktawe bce kw nye ayt..
'abes la hanguss kauuu!'
hahahaha. ak lyan je~
Asma' Nadzirah. said…
hahaha adek kau yg mane ? heee~
ni tgh describe keadaan semase. hahaa

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