The rat woke me up last night, die nak suruh aku bangun Qiam leteww :') Subhanallah, Allah sent me a Rat to wake me up ! *Positive thinking punye pasal LOL :B
**Cepatla masuk trap tuuuu, iee aku geli aku geli >.<
Well , something to share . Yesterday in our mdp , ustzh Mawaddah asked us wht do we understand abt IKHTILAT ? then sume ckp aa like the one skolah had told us '' pergaulan antare bnn and bnt and wht so ever =.= '' Then ustzh said tht she doesn't really know the actual meanings are. She was confusedd but then she told us that in the teacher's meeting , our principal said that IKHTILAT is actually some kind of communication or relation between you and someone you have 'feelings' with And we were very suprised , not the suprised where you hate it, but its the suprised suprised , get it ? HAHA But then as i googled and searched the actual meanings , i became more confused than ever ! so , i was thinking that i need to talk to the principal HAHA berangannn . I know some of you might say ' elehh , die ponn buat, nk post kt sini plakk ,' yeahh i admit mmg aku buat ponn but thats not the reason why i chose this topic to post . I chose this because i wa...
Never Say Never lyrics Listen to this and don't stop in the middle. Listen till the end . Its the BESTT ! the meaning are soo deep , really deep :) coolio gile budhak jaden neh . '' I never had the strength to take it higher, Until I reached the point of no return. '' Yea, before this i took days thinking wht am i supposed to do if something like that came. it feels like a thunder strikes on me . Now, I am ready to face it , and tell the truth . '' And there's just no turning back, When your hearts under attack, Gonna give everything I have, Cause this is my destiny. '' Thank God for sending me that person . But y'know the time hasn't come yet for me to think abt that . i'll save it until time comes . InsyaAllah, thats the best fr me . So, the conclusion is IWBATITITHTT . Pray fr me :)
Huaa hari yg spttnye bestt, betuka jd S* bcz of some stupid rules that we're SUPPOSED to follow. Haha , serves us right bile da kene denda . Tau ponn malu ! ahaha, Next time wear your nametag okayy Huaa as iff laa . So abes pasal tuhh . p/s : ehh kak, sorrylah tp in my head skrg mmg takde intention nk follow the school rules:) Next , the examss has started. And , Its not going s ooo good . Ehee . *This is wht i looked like while answering QTH =.=' Overalls ; BM wokehhh saje . Komp ? errr , i LOVE my logo . Aqidah , hmmm dunno wht to say . Quran ; hakhak . i'm a loseeeer =.=' So, thats fr the first day. The rest ? Haha kite tgk nnt yee . Huaa esok Science, I hate this subjek , i 'll try my bestt though .