Sanah Helwah ya Ummi,
I am the most greatful person on earth to be born as your daughter. Nobody sees you the way i see you everyday. You've taught me a full packaged how-to-be-a-person and one day, i know you'll be proud of me. I want you to see me being excellent in everything. I really want to do that. I want to fulfill all your wishes so that you wont regret having me as your daughter.

I wish you all the Rahmah and Blessing from Him, and may Allah grant you jannah along with His Anbiya' and Mukminiin. Uhibbuki lillahitaa'la. Nomu Nomu Saranghanabwa. I love You XD

Also, a Happy 18th birthday to my great friend Harish al Hakim. May Allah blesses you for your sacrifices. Go get all the knowledge there and bring em back to share with all of us. I wish for you the best, and hope you'll be a greater person than before.

For these two great people from my GREAT life, Thank you :)


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