Well, 3months this blog has been ignored rite ? Aku malas sbnrnye nk update or share anythg tp aku tanak dlete blog ni. So biarkn is what I did.
So latest stories.. R2S2 has ended. Yea ended so nicely that i'm kinda bored to death cos theres nothing to do. I thnk blogging will replace those things.
So, what u up to ? Semua mesti bdebar kn nk dpt u mane or panggilan scholar ke. Well samalah kita. I'd be happy if I got chosen fr any scholar, boleh la realisasikn impian parents aku. Tp tk dpt pn aku redha. Why ? Because He knows best kan ? Dduk malaysia pn not bad ape ;)
All the best on the upcoming week, may He gives you the best.
Salam sayang,
So latest stories.. R2S2 has ended. Yea ended so nicely that i'm kinda bored to death cos theres nothing to do. I thnk blogging will replace those things.
So, what u up to ? Semua mesti bdebar kn nk dpt u mane or panggilan scholar ke. Well samalah kita. I'd be happy if I got chosen fr any scholar, boleh la realisasikn impian parents aku. Tp tk dpt pn aku redha. Why ? Because He knows best kan ? Dduk malaysia pn not bad ape ;)
All the best on the upcoming week, may He gives you the best.
Salam sayang,
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