Well, 3months this blog has been ignored rite ? Aku malas sbnrnye nk update or share anythg tp aku tanak dlete blog ni. So biarkn is what I did.

So latest stories.. R2S2 has ended. Yea ended so nicely that i'm kinda bored to death cos theres nothing to do. I thnk blogging will replace those things.

So, what u up to ? Semua mesti bdebar kn nk dpt u mane or panggilan scholar ke. Well samalah kita. I'd be happy if I got chosen fr any scholar, boleh la realisasikn impian parents aku. Tp tk dpt pn aku redha. Why ? Because He knows best kan ? Dduk malaysia pn not bad ape ;)

All the best on the upcoming week, may He gives you the best.

Salam sayang,

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