*Gmbar hiasan, loved the pics by Annaseaskey.

I'll be going back to Kuantan tomorrow, this is so sad. 5weeks of holiday ends tomorrow. Yup, its the end. Puas duduk rumah tapi tanak keluar rumah, i wanna stay home and study. Hmm. 

I'll be missing these kids, my bed, my room,my toilet, oh yea the kitchen too ! Tak tahu la bila next balik rumah, cukup sebulan balik la kot. 

The time went soooooo fast, and its killing me. 

Back at Kuantan with Najibah, and without Ihsan. Great loss it is. Takpelah, belajar berdikari hewhew. Dah la public transport tak byk --' and sadly, i wont be able to update my blog for quite some times i think. Theres a lot for me to adjust. The place,The collage, and the city itself. However, i do hope and try my best to make my stay more enjoyable and happy so that i can stay there more peacefully and make my study more effective.. Eh ? haha.

*Sumpah takut berdebar cuak scaaaaary nak mula first sem ni. Gosh, bhs arab weyyy. Ya Allah, permudahkanlah urusan hambaMu ini..


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