Haaaaaaappy 5th Birthday Aliya Sofea ;) 
Semoga membesar jd anak dan adik yg solehah ;) I love you and i miss you so much dik.. Ya Allah, kau peliharalah adikku ini krn kehadirannya mengubah hidupku, kerana kehadirannya aku lebih dekat padaMu, maka kau sayangilah dia seperti kami mnyayanginya, Ya Allah..
 Terima kasih ya Allah ;)

Hee, i still remember the day you were born. It was the first day of school in Form2.. It was the happiest moment of our life ;) Cepaaaaaat je dah besar, tuptup dah masuk Tadika. Tuptup dah 5 tahun, Tapi budak ni memang cepat membesar, umur 2 tahun dah berhenti pakai pampers. Minum susu pon berhenti umur 3 tahun. Umur 4 tahun dah reti baca ;) Shes so clever, pandai sangat ;)

Uhibbuki Aliya Sofea lillahi taala abadan abada,
May Allah bless your growing up days dan sentiasa berada di bwh NaunganNya ;)

You are a miracle
You are a blessing from above
You brought joy to our soul
And pleasure to our eyes
In our heart we can feel it
An unexplainable feeling
Being a family
The best thing that we could ever ask for

Just thinking of you makes us smile
Holding you, looking in your eyes
We're so grateful for having you
And everyday we pray
We pray that you’ll find your way

You know we  love you, we  love you
Our little girl, Our little girl
We ask God to bless you, and protect you always
Our little girl, Our little girl

You’re like a shining star
So beautiful you are
Our baby girl
You light up our world
We pray that We’ll get the chance
To be around and watch you grow
And witness your first steps
And the first time when you will call us “Family”

We could spend hours watching you
You’re so innocent, so wonderful and pure
O God we can not express our gratitude!
But We’ll raise her good, ‘cause all we want is to please You
And now we pray You’ll guide her steps forever ;)

Semoga Allah merahmati Keluarga ini. Amin ;)


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